Altar Servers

Welcome to the ministry of Altar Server at Saint Teresa Parish! Your willingness to serve is a blessing to all the people who will come to the parish church to worship and praise God.  The church is grateful for your generous gift of time and talent.


To be an Altar Server is a special honour and a great privilege in the Catholic Church.  As an Altar Server, you can trace your roots to the order of acolyte, a ministry that once was reserved only for those who were going to be ordained priests! 

You can look upon being an Altar Server as a special and unique ministry by which you can begin your Christian vocation to spread the word and the love of Christ through your actions and words. Even though it is a very important ministry, it is not difficult, and the training given at the church will help you with the things that you need to know in order to fulfill your commitment.


The ministry of Altar Server is open to men and women and to boys and girls fourth grade and up.  Altar Servers are not ordained, but they are commissioned for service by the pastor of the parish and publicly inducted into service.


The main role of the Altar Server is to assist the priest and deacon in the celebration of the liturgy.  The most common liturgy we celebrate is the Mass.  Sometimes we celebrate other liturgies including baptisms, weddings, stations of the cross, and Eucharistic Adoration. Servers perform specific actions and set an example to the assembly by their active participation in the liturgy by their actions, singing of hymns, responses, looking alert, and keeping an appropriate posture.

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